Misc Specific Rodent Species
- rodent species that don't have enough links for their own pages
- links I can't classify
- or links I just haven't sorted yet
- At the NAIS , National Atlas Information Service (Service D'Information De L'Atlas National) site you can create a number of specialized maps. Included are maps of the range of the smokey shrew (Sorex fumeus) and the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus).
- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service tracks endangered species within the United States. Endangered rodents include the Florida salt
marsh vole
Groundhogs (Woodchucks)
- Learn some basic facts fromA Home Page for Woodchucks
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I have no idea but here's a jpeg of a woodchuck brain to look at while you ponder this mystery.
- Visit Willie the groundhog on Wiarton Willie's Homepage. Willie is an albino groundhog from Wiarton Ontario in Canada. He predicts the weather and stars as the mascot of the town's yearly Groundhog's Day festivities. There is even a large statue of Willie.
- Punxsutawney Phil is another weather forecasting rodent. Visit Phil and check out his Quicktime movies.
- Adum Miller's Groundhog Day Homepage is about both the movie Groundhog Day and the celebrations in Punxsutawney.
- This drawing of a groundhog-person by Herman Miller is an example of the style of fantasy creatures called morphs.
- This tongue in cheek groundhog's day page is devoted to "exploitation of America's most undercelebrated holiday." Complete with an archive of Groundhog's Day cards from years past.
- Groundhog day is February 2nd, have you made plans yet?
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