- Margaret Smith wrote a scientific paper called Pocket Gopher Paraphyly Polyphyly which has been posted on the internet as part of a college biology class on evolution. According to a class handout from a ber " Peg is known mainly for her work on evolutionary genetics and species formation in North American pocket gophers, but in recent years she has been actively engaged in studies of South American rodents. "
- On the internet gopher is more likely to refer to a gopher server than a furry rodent. The bad side of this is that it's hard to do a search for sites devoted to the rodent. The good side is that it's easy to find some great gifs that were created as byproducts of the gopher network.
- a page on the Southeastern pocket gopher from the Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System (FAIRS). FAIRs obviously sees the gopher as a pest and includes directions on killing them.
- The gopher is the mascot of the University of Minnesota's sports teams. (Yes, I know this site only covers men's sports-- I can't find the women's site.) Minnesota Sports Fans have put together a catalog of gopher merchandise (not pictured online.
- According to Robmac's Language Pages the Anishinabe word for gopher is "memookiwidoo."
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