Basic Gerbil Information
- For basic information read the gerbil FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and join the Gerbil Discussion List .
- How to keep a gerbil (happy)
- Wild gerbils are colored for camoflauge but modern gerbils come in every color but day glow. Check out some of the possibilities at The Gerbils Color Palette.
- National Gerbil Society
- This site claims to have a gerbil movie but I haven't been able to get it to run yet.
- The The Safe Harbor Group WWW Server Page has a gerbil cam but it's not working right now. Let's hope they get the money to get it back online soon.
- Different sources seem to disagree on exactly how many gerbil species there are. The gerbil most commonly kept as a pet or lab animal is the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) but it's certainly not the only gerbil. Another gerbil is the Duprasi or fat tailed gerbil (Pachyuromys duprasis). Lewis Stead has started a Duprasi FAQ.
Gerbil Science
Silly Gerbils
Gerbils in Art and Literature
Gerbils with Vanity Pages or Cute Pictures
- Firecracker gets a space in a family photo gallery
- Home Page of Tori (the rabbit) and Max (the gerbil)
- Lucie has died but her page lives on.
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