General Animal Resources
- American Association of Zoo Keepers
- Lab Animal Home Page
- The World Conservation Union maintains a searchable database of threatened animals. You can search it by several different criteria. Try leaving most of the choices blank and choosing "Rodentia" as the Order and you will get a list of threatened or endangered rodents around the world.
- Many animals are threatened or endangered and some no longer exist in the wild. Zoos are an important part of the effort to maintain the world's wildlife.
- ISIS (International Species Information System) tracks animal breeding at aproxamately 500 member zoos. Their list of mammals gives the number of males, females and recent births for each species. The animals are listed by scientific name and include many rodents.
- Or if you'd rather see a list of zoos by geographical region look up the Global Zoo Directory compliled by Fred Swengal.
- The Red List of threatened animals is maintained by IUCN (The World Conservation Union)
- The World Conservation Monitoring Centre has created a good listing of enviromental and conservation links
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